Community Center
Wayne County Community Center is a fantastic meeting place, event center, and cultural hub for our communities. The Center is open for private rental!
You can make reservations by calling
Reservations - Jessica
- Cell Phone: 602-373-3008
- Rental Address: 605 South 350 East, Bicknell Utah.
Daily Rates - Renting the Building
- Non-Business: $250 / day
- Local Business / Non-Resident: $400 / day
- Outside Business: $550 / day
Daily Room Rates
We have available for rental the kitchen, the auditorium, and 3 meeting room
- $125.00 per room
Senior Citizen Corner
Volunteers needed, please contact us for more information!
- Address: 475 S 300 E, PO Box 242, Bicknell UT 84715
- Phone: 435-425-2089
- Office Phone: 435-425-2089
- Email:
- Senior Guidance Organization:
- Senior Citizens Facebook Page:
Senior Bus
The Senior transportation for Wayne Co. Seniors serves the towns of Loa, Lyman, Bicknell, Torrey, Teasdale, and Fremont, with a second bus serving Hanksville. For travel arrangement’s contact 435-425-2089.
Scheduled Events
- Monthly Community Luncheon: 2nd Monday of every month, Lunch @ noon. There will be entertainment and prizes.
- Pickle Ball: Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, call 435-425-2089 for more information.
- Music Jam: Every Thursday 2pm at the Bicknell Community Center, contact Jim Adams 435-491-0604 for more information.
Resource Links
Please contact the Senior Center for information on scheduled events!!
Central Utah Food Sharing Bicknell Pantry
The Pantry is open the following times:
- The first Wednesday of each month: 3:00pm-6:00pm
- The Third Wednesday of each month: 12:30pm-3:00pm
For questions or donations please call: 435-896-5225